None of the characters seem to have any sort of consistency. They keep changing their personalities to suit the episode plot. Same with the story line. There is no overall coherence to what it happening. Every episode pushes and pulls the plot to suit that particular episode. The characters aren't likable. What motivated them is as yet not understood, neither can the audience understand how they call connect together. Besides dedicated fans to the actors, I doubt if anyone likes the show. The songs are just smoke and mirrors to cover up a weak script, story and characters. The way they keep adding new characters and new plot twists and obstacles seem a desperate way to keep the drama alive. The casting seem totally senseless, Lea Michelle most certainly does not come off as a wanna be diva or stuck up goody two shoes. All she portrays is a very annoying girl of below average IQ. Brittany seems to stupid to be true (considering the show is trying to keep it 'realist'). Sue's character seems to have holes in it than a sieve and Miss Pillsbury is another awful caricature! And Chris Colfer is so squinty and whiny at times its painful to watch!