I love to indulge and plunge myself into the worlds of different nations enjoying the reflections of life, thoughts sculptured in their cinematic. Being a Hungarian, our creations are extremely dear to my heart.
Átjáróház is something different than our usual productions. There is a sense of a slight line where one can feel that well, if there had been some more thoughts, creativity, money being put into the work, well, then the whole experience could be taken to one step higher.
Átjáróház is nothing like that. From the very first frame till listening to the final music-track, you don't even think on such things.
The engagement in the story is guaranteed all over the playing time. Perfect shots with perfect timings, very well chosen themes in
music with fine-tuned dynamics.
The weird, mostly untouched part of life, which is death, are walking hand-in hand with the world's most known and desirable essence, which
is love.
Love and death are weaved into the story, grounded in an ever-present, ancient, more than just earthly truth that without sacrifice there is no true
and even eternal love, in such a way, that our 21st century mind can comprehend, can think and can understand the message. Spiced with
an intelligent, well dosed humor.
The life of these two individuals being in the focus of the move is framed into a much bigger reality; a reality, which draws many aspects and
scenes from ancient times, different cultures in a really colorful settings, yet the main thing remains the main thing: the story line is straight,
all of the auxiliary branches and scenes are only to help the strengthen the main message of true love withstanding all obstacles.
All energy, dynamism is kept up during the whole movie, with unforeseen twists and turns, such ones that makes the observer point out that this is
a Madarász Isti-turn.
The cast is well-chosen, all what we see is a well directed play from all roles. The scenery, the colors of the real life contrasting the cold reality
of empty and boring spaces pictured and resulted in a homogeneous experience from the viewer's point of view.
If you would like to emerge in a one and a half our experience in a half-real and half-fantasy world entertainment, this movie will be a perfect
choice for this upcoming festive season of 2022 - and even further. :)