I have been a fan of the WWE since the 80s and I have seen the best come and go but I haven't seen the WWE for year now because of John Cena. In my opinion Cena is not good enough to be so famous but well
like WrestleMania its close, I decided to see "No Way Out" just to see who's who in wrestling. The matches... Well the Match between Punk and Guerrero was pretty decent but nothing especial. Smackdown Elimination match was pretty good. At first was a little slow but when the other superstars got in the ring it got better. The Undertaker is going to WrestleMania against Edge for the title. The Undertaker can still kick butt. Kennedy vs. Flair was very stupid. Flair should retire. I know a lot of fans find amusing to see Flair wrestle at his old age, but Flair doesn't need to prove that he was one of the greatest. It is Time to pass the torch. Misterio vs Edge was very lame match, the only thing that saved the match was the return of Big Show. Orton vs. Cena for the WWE title was a very boring match. But it looks like people are starting to love Cena. I don't know what happen to Orton he used to be such a good wrestler. He has become slower. Now Raw Elimination chamber was really good. You had the best the WWE had to offer. Umaga's double Samoan drop was pretty cool. Jeff Hardy was pretty impressive and all the other. HHH ruled the night. Bottom line, Raw Elimination Chamber match was the best of the night. I just hope that WWE gets better because this pass year wasn't very good. Let's just see what happens in WrestleMania.