JWs haven't been taught critical thinking. For instance does stating, "You have the right to report to police" mean that JWs will feel free to do so? JWs repeatedly take statements, whether from the Bible or from worldly authorities, out of context. Put into context they can mean something entirely different.
For instance, in the context of Watchtower doctrine it was shown over and over by the ARC that such comments are misleading when taken out of the context of other JW directives.
Given in the context of Watchtower doctrine, it goes like this, "You have a right to report to police but why would you want to bring reproach on Jehovah?"
Taken in context, is it right to conclude that JWs are free to report to police, when their loyalty to God would be put into question as a result of doing so?
Secondly, as many of us learned the hard way, matters are not always handled the way the org publicly directs and claims. Such cases of mishandling, are not "isolated incidents" as the org claims and as JWs tend to believe.
Why are they not isolated incidents? A critical thinker will ask, "Do the facts support the claims?" When they don't, further investigation is needed rather than claiming "it's just an isolated incident."
What action is taken to ensure that the same mishandling doesn't occur *repeatedly*? A blip in a magazine article that many may not read or take note of and that may soon be forgotten? How effective is a single blip in a magazine against a backdrop of, "You must not bring reproach upon Jehovah!" being drilled into them at every given opportunity?