This series from Quebec is centred on Céline Trudeau, a police detective. The first season, subtitled 'Cover Your Tracks' sees her dispatched to a remote mining town where the body of a young woman has been found; it is clearly murder. The way she died makes people wonder if an earlier death of a child wasn't the accident it was initially assumed to be. In the small community just about everybody knew the victim and there are plenty of suspects. Matters are complicated by the fact that somebody close to Céline is there.
The second season, titled 'The Château Murders' sees Céline back in the city of Quebec where she investigates the death of a man who was found dead in a prestigious hotel... in a bath of concrete. Is it revenge for deaths caused by a bridge collapse some years previously, related to a new bridge contract or is it something else? Céline and her new partner won't have an easy job finding the killer.
I thought this was an enjoyable crime drama. Céline isn't the most likeable of characters; she rubs most people the wrong way and more than once behaves in a dubious manner but grows on the viewer as the series progresses. The cases are interesting; providing plenty of suspects to keep one guessing. The locations are almost characters in their own right; snow covered in a way that makes the viewer almost feel the cold. The cast does a solid job bringing their characters to life. The identity of the killers aren't too obvious but I suspect most viewers will have guessed their identities some time before the reveal. Overall a solid drama; I enjoyed the first two seasons and look forward the third being available here some time,
These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.