Rogue is a 2020 American action film directed by M. J. Bassett, who wrote the screenplay with her daughter, Isabella. The film stars Megan Fox as a battle-hardened mercenary leading a team of soldiers on a daring mission to rescue hostages in remote Africa.
Being honest, I only decided to watch this movie because of Megan Fox. I've always loved her in movies like Jennifer's Body and although she's not known for her "Oscar-worthy" acting chops I thought she played the lead here rather well. She's a strong heroic presence, bringing a bit more emotional depth to her performance than I anticipated. The film itself however slowly crumbles under bad dialogue, bad direction, bad CGI and shrewd characterisation. Beyond all of the key things that make a movie great, the film is sporadically rather entertaining - it's got a few fun fight scenes and car chases here and there and I was never bored throughout the film but the films cookie-cutter plot and cardboard characters weren't enough to warrant a higher rating from me I'm afraid.