Sure, it starts questionable, but soon turns to alternate two locations and two scenes: dealing with the vampire master at the gallery and training-montages in Martzial Artis Guy's appartment. And the guy is genuine.
The 20 nunjuck tells he is. Nah, I'm joking. His moves tells this. And he has 20 nunjucks to back it up!
The script is coherent, the acting is cheesey, there are ton of old fashinoed martial arts, the directing is even good concerning the budget and two location limitations. They use a variety of weapons, and bonus point for giving different perks to the believers (crosses, holy water gadgets) and the atheist (+1 all stat).
If someone would clear the sound, I'd buy a solo DVD of this after watching it amongst the Decrepit Crypt of Nightmares collection.
RIP Sean.