This compelling drama about a young girl (Zeynep) caught between two worlds, two families, and two men features dynamic performances by the talented Demet Ozdemir (Cilek Kokusu, No 309, Erkenci Kus) and Ibrahim Celikkol (Siyah Beyaz Ask, Merhamet, Sadece Sen). The story is unlike anything else that is being done, and every episode takes the audience deeper into the lives and minds of the main characters. Each episode ends with Zeynep (Ozdemir) talking to a therapist, and the audience empathizes with her as she navigates impossible choices in her life, sacrificing herself while trying to please everyone else. She comes upon Mehdi (Celikkol) by chance. Will he be the one to make her feel like she finally belongs somewhere? Can he make Zeynep believe that it is possible to be loved without feeling indebted to those who love her? This show is beautifully acted, beautifully directed, and features a beautiful musical score. The struggle to find one's place in the world is universal, and it's never a waste of time to watch the story of beautifully flawed characters who are trying to do just that.