This is a short film by Hiroshi Teshigahara about teenagers (16 years) in Japan in the mid 60's, what they do and what matters to them. It is in black and white, which enhances the film, as you see young people just being themselves. It stars Miki Irie, who played the young lady who was scarred by the atom bomb in "The Face Of Another". She presumably gave up acting after that, though I thought she was good in that film. This film is part of the three films by Teshigahara box set of "Pitfall", "Woman In The Dunes" and "The Face Of Another". He was a maverick, uncompromising film director. Think an edgier version of the Coen Brothers. This film isn't a masterpiece but its always interesting to see an admirable director's other work. So, buy the box set, which I recommend, and you'll get this also. Nothing special, but it should have been elongated to a feature film with more character development. We'll make do with this.