The much ballyhooed Jonas show starring the Jonas Brothers finally made its debut on the Disney Channel last night. One hopes that when the brothers have had their run as teen idols they'll have invested their money wisely because it will take some considerable doing for them to have careers as musicians and/or actors when the vogue for them has passed.
As kids they're cute, pleasant and easy to take even for people over the age of 15. Their music isn't too bad either. What the Disney Studio did was reach back into rock and roll history and modeled this show on that first show about a rock band, The Monkees. The Jonas Brothers even have a fourth brother, little Frankie who can make it a quartet to have adventures just like the Monkees.
Don't look for much plot, the show is just another venue for their music which is in fact their bread and butter. Every show will have some kind of story to play between music videos. It worked fine for the Monkees, it should work for Joe, Kevin, Nick, and sometimes Frankie Jonas.