This was pitched to me as pro BLM but after watching it, whether intentional or not, illustrates how quick people are to jump to conclusions and how social media capitalizes on it. It also hammers some facts of life that people haven't been paying attention to lately. This would be awesome to show in a classroom to dissect and discuss. If you an adrenaline junkie and just like to be entertained I can recommend a dozen or so movies with the same basic plot you'll like better. If you like movies that challenge a narrative or morality then I would say this is absolutely one to watch. However I will add the caveat that its power in this regard is tied to current events and may lose some zest as it ages. They cite a few 'facts' along the way that compels me to add one as well. The creation of SWAT was the state response to the Watts riots in the 60's. Just FYI for those who think rioting is the way to 'demilitarize' the police.