STARS AT NOON is a French romantic thriller that follows the story of an American journalist, Trish (Margaret Qualley), and a mysterious English businessman, Daniel (Joe Alwyn). Trapped in Nicaragua during the height of its civil war in the 1980s, they become embroiled in political conspiracies and must rely on each other to find a way out.
The film is a cat-and-mouse game where the stakes are high, and where tension is ever-present. The cinematography is stunning, with spectacular shots of Nicaragua's lush landscape and its turbulent political climate. Margaret Qualley and Joe Alwyn deliver powerful performances, convincingly capturing the desperation of their characters while still creating an intense and palpable chemistry.
STARS AT NOON is a slow burn - often too slow - that never quite reaches its potential. Though the story is compelling, the political intricacies of the era are not always clear, and the narrative fails to fully realize its themes.
Overall, STARS AT NOON is an ambitious and captivating thriller with moments of real beauty and insight. Though it could benefit from a more streamlined narrative and a faster pace, it's worth a watch for its gorgeous visuals and strong performances.