At the beginning we are introduced to the main character of the story who is suppose to be an American journalist in Nicaragua. She is a drunk and sleeps with men to earn money to buy shampoo !! She meets a British character and again sleeps with him for $50 !!
For the next two hours we are suppose to believe her romance with this guy and feel thrilled by their cat and mouse activities with authorities in this country. This film does not have a romantic angle nor a political intrigue to it. You have to insure long sex scenes and useless terrible story line that doesn't go anywhere. I don't understand what was Denis had in mind making this film, probably she loved the book and didn't realize 80s South America doesn't translate good to 2020s. At least she could have spend some time going through the politics of the country or the region. Once again Cannes Film Festival showed they give out their prizes based on whose turn it is to win rather than the quality of what is presented.