Powerpuff Girls Z is an anime that adapts the Powerpuff Girls cartoon into a magical girl/henshin superhero anime. In this, Professor Utonium and his son, Ken, create Chemical Z after a cake is dumped in, but when Ken hastily decides to use it to stop an abnormal snowstorm that occurs, it causes black and white Z-rays to fall in Tokyo City (called New Townsville in the English dub done by Ocean Productions). Three thirteen-year-old-girls, Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru, are hit by the white Z-rays, giving them the power to become Hyper Blossom, Rolling Bubbles, and Powered Buttercup. However, the black Z-rays would hit other people and even animals, turning them into supervillains.
This series is an alternate universe at best (and is proven in the second-to-last episode, where the original Powerpuff Girls make a cameo as the PPGZ girls land in their world), and as a result, the characters act differently, and there are characters exclusive to this incarnation. Is this better than the Powerpuff Girls show we know and love? If it's the original from the late 1990's, then the answer is no, as the original show has its own charm that Z decides not to try and emulate. However, I can say this is better than the 2016 reboot that is seen by fans of the original as horrible. Managing to adapt the girls into a magical girl anime, Powerpuff Girls Z is worth checking out.