An introductory title informs us that "the Cougar -- to give the beast its proper name -- prefers for its retreats ledges of rock inaccessible to man." They may be inaccessible to man, but they are not inaccessible to the 14-year-old Bradbury twins, who trap a mountain lion, truss him up and finally trundle him home on a wheelbarrow. I've been a 14-year-old boy myself, and I would be in awe of these kids. I would also have hated them, and only the fear that they would truss me up and trundle me home in a wheelbarrow for skinning would have stopped me from getting together a bunch of neighborhood kids to kill them. Because the expressions of joy on their faces as they torment this cat tell me they're mean kids who like torturing animals.
At least, that's who they are in these movies. They're pretty good movies, too, full of instructions on how to go about trapping wild animals. However, kids, don't do this at home or without adult supervision!