Everything about this so called "movie" screams 3rd rate. It is a pathetic attempt to cash in on a film that wasn't very good or successful to begin with! Why this got made, who knows. The script is laughable, the effects are worse than video-games, and the plot is really dumb. Don't waste your time, hell if you read this, you have spent too much time on this waste of celluloid. Every time you think movies can't get any worse, they do. I would be ashamed to have anything to do with this garbage. Here's the plot, let's kill these gators. The main characters are exactly the same as the 1st film too! Not the same actors mind you, but the exact same character. The little old lady who likes the croc's, the rich guy trying to kill them, even the beginning is almost exactly as the 1st film. I would recommend this to people that want to know what makes a bad movie, because this describes this "not even worthy of being called a film."