This show has been promoted as reality television done in the style of Desperate Housewives. I really didn't like Desperate Housewives, so maybe it's no surprise that this show left me cold as well.
First of all, the narrator has the most annoying voice on the face of the planet. Part cutesy, part little girl, I'd rather listen to fingernails being dragged down a blackboard.
The real problem, however, is that I just don't buy these "real lives". They all seemed so glossy, so rehearsed, so UN-spontaneous. And the producers couldn't have a happily married couple dealing with a realistic problem, like a child with ADD/HD, autism, being fired, etc? While some of the stories ring true, most of them seem overly dramatized and just too contrived. The newlywed couple that are having problems after only six months- NOBODY could be as big a jerk while being filmed as that husband is. It just doesn't hold water. Same as with the doctor's wife- her reactions and emotions during the scenes of her life were forced and seemed SO unbelievable.
On the other hand, the story with the recovering addict and the woman considering divorce DID seem real.
So what you have is a mixed bag, but really, the good only BARELY outweighs the bad.
I, for one, (in case you couldn't figure this out) will not be watching another episode.