This HBO documentary hosted by "Sex and the City's" Kim Cattrall is well done and pretty informative with expert theories and artistic views about sex. It's only fitting that Cattrall host this because her Samantha character brought back memories from "Sex and the City" I remember many episodes of her nude or either in colored bras or panties, she's so sexy and sophisticated. Anyway the material shown is good with interviews from real people and experts who share their thoughts and opinions on the world's oldest activity. It tells the history of sex thru ancient drawings and writings found in foreign countries to showing exhibits and sculptures of many intimate parts. Also the talk about masturbation and the good of pleasure is mentioned with talk about the feel of intimate body parts. And experts give their thoughts that sex is mostly a mind game and that it's not all physical which I agree. Overall a pretty good documentary hosted by sexy Kim Cattrall that's proves that sex is an artistic intelligence, so catch it sometime on HBO.