This show has all the elements to being a good Teen show but the lead character Jordan played by comedian now actor "Lil JJ" has a tendency to overact on his own show! I mean it's YOUR show! You're the star. This kid acts like he's trying to steal the attention from all the other's YOUR show, there's no need to! To prove this,the theme song of the show doesn't even have much SCREAMS "it's just Jordan,it's just Jordan,it's just Jordan,JORDAN.." Hey if you don't believe you're a star,then we won't either.
Anyways the plots are pretty much a "fill in the blanks" type of thing, you've seen it all before and in a lot of cases done better. I know that there are only a certain amount of plots a show can work with but at least be creative and give it it's own style and identity..I can predict a plot the first 5 minutes in on this show. The show is just "there". No "oomph!" or "Wow" qualities in it.
And That laugh track that they use to encourage us to laugh with them is not working. Tape the show in front of a live studio audience. I swear I heard that laugh track on a Scooby Doo episode.
The show is bad..but it's not THAT bad but hopefully it can get better.