The continuation of Sara's life after the events from the first movie is presented in this sequel, together with the new challenges that she must face in order to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming Prima-Ballerina. The exaggerated pretensions of her famous teacher consume most of her time, but the new friends she makes also request her presence in the hip-hop world, so she'll soon find herself in the situation of choosing between her dream and her love.
Although it sounded like a good idea to continue what happens in the first installment, this movie begins to commit mistakes even from the beginning, by choosing different actors. It's not necessarily something dramatic, but it will inevitable alter the perception of the viewer, especially if he has seen the first one first. Furthermore, the characters which are superficially presented (for some of them you might even wonder why are they even present in the movie) participate in a series of even more predictable events (comparing to its predecessor) which ultimately lead to an unsatisfying and expected finale.
It leaves the impression that it wasn't well thought, written or even produced. Everything seems rushed, superficial, put into play just to be there. It also decides to present much less sequences of hip-hop or dance in detriment of the "struggles" of ballet, which isn't impressive, to say the least. The good part is the performance of the actors which truly had to struggle with such bad dialogue and plot, but somehow managed to steal a couple of smiles and even a bit of laughter.
I wanted and hoped for this movie to be good, but it ended up in a very bad position, the one of the sequels which shouldn't have existed in the first place. It's not such a bad movie, but it disappoints from almost every point of view, making you wish it shouldn't have been made.