This will be the shortest video that I have ever reviewed on the IMDb, at a whopping 36 seconds or so. It is nothing but Pegg and Frost reenacting one of the scenes from the film, with Frost impersonating Sean Connery and Pegg giving a remarkable impression of Michael Caine. I don't know why, but for some reason anytime I see this kind of behind the scenes stuff, with the actors rehearsing or messing around and, most importantly, struggling not to laugh while they deliver their lines, it is unbelievable how funny it is. Consider, for example, the Saturday Night Live DVD of Will Farrell's. There is a scene in there somewhere with the cast performing as a group of eager young army recruits, trying not to laugh as Old Gus Chiggin's begins making comments. I laughed harder than I can remember when I watched that, and this short video has some of the same material. My only wish is that it was a little longer!