Five ways to make a film successful, no matter how the film really is:
1) Have tons of nudity. The very next moment, the movie is a Showgirls (I heard many adore the movie)
2) Let it be based on a superhero. Superhero movies have mystical powers to captivate the attention of the audience. Eg. Spiderman, Fantastic 4, Transformers
3) Action does it all. Include guns, detonators and all kinds of weapons and have a boom film. It attracts teen boys and guys.
4) Star power: Make Denzel act in a Z-grade film and the next day, the Z transforms into an A.
And 5
Make it a cute movie, like this one. Easier way is to include adorable dogs. This formula woks well all the time as there are a number of avid dog lovers like me who would swarm over to watch this film.
I was a bit ambivalent whether this film would be good enough, as some movies based on dogs have been a bit too sweet. This one too leads the league of sweet movies.
Frankly speaking, the story could've been a lot better. The tiger thing would normally be present is a B grade flick. The voice acting could've improved. Some of the dogs were funny but the voicing of the Sheriff dog was bad.
Even the Sheriff dog's lip movements looked unreal. The puppies were really cute, especially Buddha, who was funny. But the names of some could've been somewhat more different. For example, 'Rosebud', 'Mudbud' and 'Budderball' had so much 'bud' present. Instead of mud bud, they could've kept mud-'something else.
It was edited for obtaining 'G' rating but it could've had a variety of jokes that could be rated G but were a bit more mature.
Overall, it is a cute film that would be liked if you keep in mind that it is meant to be cute only. 5 out of 10.