I can't believe I saw this show. I truly can't. And yet I have.
I remember shooting bikini videos years back, and thinking to myself how jealous I was making non-crew spectators as I did my job. It put a smile on my face. But now I'm watching a video which is ostensibly in the same "genre" so to speak; the "pretty girl expose" sub-genre, and now that I see the product of such work (which I rarely viewed after a job was done) I'm at a loss for words. What can I say? Oh... my... God... if there was anything more vapid and hair-brained than a video about girls feeling competitive and special about being invited by the world's oldest, commercially successful, "dirty-old-man" to show off their bodies for a "sex" magazine, then I can't think of it.
Myself, I think there're few things that compete with the female form, particularly one that's gifted and graced with beauty. But to create a TV series about girls feeling special about getting naked in front of a camera... I mean... words just can't describe it. And yet here it is, in all of its Betacamn glory.
Jealous? No, just thoroughly astonished.
And yet at the same time I understand that there's a niche market for this sort of thing. The kind of male (or female as the case may be) who is in awe of physical beauty, and thinks there's something special about such people, and hence wants to get to know their inner emotional and social workings. Such a program offers a vicarious experience for those who aren't "part of the scene", so to speak.
I imagine it also offers a kind of testosterone boost for a certain kind of male who also likes this kind of thing, and seeing the rewards doled out to the pretty and intellectually vague.
But that'a a little harsh, because some of these girls, for all their clique-oriented petty competition and feigned sisterhood, demonstrate an internal understanding of who and what they are, and why they're prized as such. This puts them apart from the runaway who gets caught up in the illicit sex industry, and knows no other value to herself.
Even so this show is a waste of digital storage space, and is comically nauseating for those who like their entertainment somewhat more high-brow. Watch at your own risk.