Doodlebops may be 30% the same every episode, and not have much "book" knowledge woven in, but kids seem to love it. My 2 year old LOVES the Doodlebops!!! While he may not be learning the ABCs or 123s, it does expose him to music and rhythm. Through repetition, (a lot of repetition) he is exposed to music and very simple life concepts, like "try try again" or "being a good friend". Not all shows for toddlers need to be "educational" . As a parent it is my job to teach him is ABCs and 123s. Television is recreational, and as a parent I don't rely on TV to teach my child. He only watches a few shows a day for entertainment. While adults may find Doodlebops boring and repetitive, two- year olds think it is great entertainment. I keep at least 2 episodes on my TIVO at all times!!! I mean, his favorite game is peek-a-boo (which is basically the "where's Mo" part of the beginning of each show, so this is right up his alley. He has only seen the show for a week or so and already can sing along. Of course in a few weeks he will probably be onto something else, but for now when given a choice, he wants to watch Doodlebops. There are definitely a lot worse things he could be into, at least the lyrics and costumes are clean. Seeing my son smile, and laugh for a half hour, is the what makes Doodlebops tolerable to parents. Parents may not love it, but you will love watching your kids enjoy it!