I just watched the pilot of this show, and...well...it wasn't bad. It wasn't mind blowing, but not bad.
The first show dealt with people turning blue and the MI team trying to figure it out before the smurfs all die. It's about as fast paced as any medical show, with the tough, strong, and somewhereinsideagoodheart main male character, and the lead female that knows more then her coworker admits to himself. You have the lackeys, who do a good job for what they are worth. I rather enjoyed the woman who was trying to keep the story out of the press. (Sorry, it latterly just ended and I'm a wee too lazy to look up names other then Neil's.)
Ah, Neil McDonough, how beautiful with your blond hair and blue eyes. I love the man, he rocked my face in Band of Brothers and Boomtown. (Boomtown, how I miss thee.) He has the potential to really take this show and take off with it. I hope he does. He's damn talented.
We'll have to see where this show goes and if it'll make it. I hope it does. With this show, LAX (With Frank John Huges) and Scott Grimes on ER (I hear he's coming back, oh please let it be true.) it'll be a Band of Brothers fest this season on NBC. Rock on.