Partho Ghosh had quit the industry after struggling for 6 years as a assistant director. He moved back to Calcutta when a old friend convinced him to come back to Bombay and direct the film. Partho had a life long dream to be a film director and jumped at the offer. The producer was from outside of Bombay and wanted to invest in a film. But major controversy occurred when on the first day of the shooting,the producer abandoned the film and went back home. He left a message that if Partho wanted to complete the film he could make the film himself. Partho was confused about this and wanted to know what the issue was. Partho went to the producers house and found out that some one was very rude to the producer on the day of the mahurat. The producer felt that Bombay was full of rude people and he would not be able to work in this type of environment. Partho was able to convince the producer to finish the film. The movie released with zero publicity and flopped. But Partho Ghosh got several good reviews. This was how Partho got more films.