Hi, My name is Chani and I was at the movie "Mendy" last night.
I sat in the theater for a while after the credits rolled and then remained in a quiet space for some time in the car.
My friend asked me"Chani, What are you thinking..." To which I responded "I am not thinking, I am just feeling."
At that moment I remembered the part in the film where Bianca asks Mendy not to think only to feel and his total perplexed look. He had no idea what she was asking from him, he had never experienced that.
I was able to see some progress in my journey, reflecting that I was in a space where I could JUST FEEL and NOT THINK!!! Thank you for that.
The reality: I have watched many movies based on the Jewish Community that I come from, and yet there are always things (sometimes even only one thing) that could never have taken place.. something quiet not kosher. This movie IS ALL TRUE. Has happened to different people at different times. I know them, I AM ONE OF THEM.
I love the fact that it did not have a definite goal or point. It was a story of the Journey.. the hardship we face.. the reality that we have so few choices... the pain we take in becoming healthy individuals in a society that is so foreign from us, yet within miles of our life.
How many of us turn out to be Yanky, drunk, high and running constantly to the unknown, doing the illegal and finding no purpose. How even when we try to make love, we have no words for it. We do not know how to say it, to appreciate its beauty. We make those we treasure run from us due to our ignorance, our lack of social etiquette.
How very few of us find inner peace, inner joy and spirituality among the outside world.
How no matter how far we run, we carry in our bags our Tefillin, and in the most unexpected moments take them out and pray.