PUNK ROCK HOLOCAUST is a horror, gore, concert movie set at the Warped Tour in the early 200's. A killer is loose and murdering anyone who is unfortunate enough to be nearby. There's a slightly more plot then that which is delivered as exposition dumps so that the film can proceed to its final conclusion. Along the wa we're treated to a series of vignettes where various members of the Warped Tour are gruesomely dispatched. These scenes are all largely done tongue in cheek, heavily leaning into how cheesy and cheap the whole thing is. While the effects are ultra cheap and the plot is paper thin, everyone at least seems to be having a fun time with making the movie, making it feel much more like a passion project then another, generic piece of shot on video trash.
The concert scenes went on a little longer then I, someone who knows almost nothing about punk, really needed. Similarly. Many of the vignettes seem to lean heavily on the star power of the "actor's" who play the victims. These scenes might be more enjoyable to those who are well versed in the scene but for an outsider it comes off as a series of very cheap, and not always inspired, gore shorts. Lloyd Kaufman is featured in a few scenes but his presence in no way saves the movie
Punk fan's might be able to appreciate this one but non punk fans won't find much here worth watching.