Ryan Flynn: Have you been to the factory?
Grandpa Randolph: Sure. Joined the crowd once. Didn't jump of course.
Ryan Flynn: Yeah, I'm definitely not big on jumping. And I don't like that dust.
Grandpa Randolph: Can't blame you.
Ryan Flynn: Falling all that way? How do you know if you're ready?
Grandpa Randolph: I'm certainly no expert. I suppose it's different for everyone. Some folks probably dawdle around here quite a while trying to figure that out. Melanie for instance, she seems a bit of a dawdler.
Ryan Flynn: I don't mind dawdling if it means not having to jump. Hitting that floor looked awful painful.
Grandpa Randolph: Oh, you're afraid of a little pain? That's an overrated phobia.
Ryan Flynn: So what's it like? You know, dying?
Grandpa Randolph: [shrugs] I don't know.
Ryan Flynn: Well, you must. You're practically dead.
Grandpa Randolph: [sarcastically] Oh. Thank you. Thank you very very much.
Ryan Flynn: Well, it's gotta hurt.
Grandpa Randolph: Hurt? Life hurts, boy.