Colin Cowie hosts a great, fun, campy show about how to have wonderful parties, where to find the world's best restaurants, how to appreciate different cultures, and how to lead an absolutely elegant lifestyle. Even I'd love to be a guest on this show.
Now granted, the Average Joe and Jane Six Pack may not be able to afford Colin's jet set lifestyle, but it's fun to watch all the same. I loved the episode all about the color pink. Colin makes a very funny remark in the episode about how the women he invited to his Pink Party couldn't convince their husbands to come to it decked out in pink. No surprise there, daddy-o, heh-heh.
The show at first glance may appear elitist and phony but once you take it with a rather large grain of salt and learn to appreciate the show's campiness you'll have a great time hanging with Colin on each episode. You can tell Colin is having a great time during the show and he comes across as a very warm and fun loving cat. And he looks fabulous.
And when you think about it, Colin has a great point he's making with this show. You only go around once in life, so why not enjoy the best food, the best luxuries, the best clothes, and just plain old pamper yourself every chance you get? The show isn't all about materialism of course. There's lots of time devoted to people, culture, and ideas as well. Colin can also appreciate low brow culture too. Any cat who has the wisdom to admit while preparing for an elegant dinner party that McDonald's has the best french fries on the planet is cool in my book.
So, as the Master of Elegance Colin Cowie himself would say, enjoy life, be happy, eat well, live to the fullest, and enjoy Everyday Elegance!