My copy of this tape is subtitled "The Beautiful Workout," but I think it's the same one listed here as "Beginning." Forget the workout; videographer Ron Harris was a darling of the Playboy Channel in this era, and his style is evident throughout all four "classes" on this fun, sexy anthology. The individual segments used to run unscheduled on Showtime and I left that channel on continuously in the hopes of catching them. The girls (yes, _women_, I know; but the narrator on the tape says "girls" and that's how I remember them, so girls they remain for this review) were utterly lovely and their dance/exercise movements were like a homing missile aimed at my sense of the erotic. Lots of people dismiss this kind of thing and I guess they have a right to, but I am a little bit proud of the fact that a sexy dancing girl doesn't have to be naked to be exciting. The girls' Danskin leotards don't hide much, but a little goes a long way when you want the sort of thing Harris delivers via "Aerobicise."
I don't know if it qualifies as porn, though it sure ain't no workout video for anyone truly looking for exercise. What it does do is satisfy the same voyeuristic urge that had some guys wanting to peek into a women's (there, see? I grew up and said "women") aerobics class, before Tae Bo had them punching instead of bouncing. Doing that for real would be childish and maybe even a sign that one needs therapy. But this is just a harmless video.
Have fun.