This 1981 remake of the classic "pinku eiga" masterpiece from 1964, is mostly a failure. Some interesting surreal artistic moments are ruined by tons of optical "fogging" and tedious repetitiveness. Closeup shots of women's faces, moaning and whimpering, ramble on for 10 minutes while body parts are blocked out by very distracting camera effects; it's literally headache inducing. With an almost twp hour running time, the problems with "Day-Dream" could have been fixed with some serious editing. 20 minutes could easily be cut from the film, and would be a huge improvement. In many instances artistic creativity is replaced by explicit sex, as censorship laws were much more lax in 1981 than they were in 1964, when the original was made. When will filmmakers learn not to attempt remakes of excellent films; but to remake bad films that had great ideas and poor execution? Seek out the original...