"Billingsley Kleinfelter III" (William F. McGaha) is an extremely rich bachelor who lives in an apartment complex which is also occupied by single young women in search of a rich bachelor. Needless to say, Billingsley has no difficulty getting a date. The problem, however, is that he is constantly mobbed by them to the point that he just wants to get away for a while. His best friend, "Orville Duckworth" (Bob Johnson), on the other hand, has an entirely different predicament in that he is married and his wife nags him all of the time. So to remedy their situation the two of them decide to drive out to the country to camp out, drink beer and fish. However, when they get there they find two young women who are desperate for male companionship--and this creates certain opportunities and challenges of their own. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was about as bad a movie as any that has ever been made. For starters, there is no dialogue between any of the actors. Instead, the decision was made to use a voice over for the entire film which became quite annoying the longer it progressed. Likewise, for a comedy there wasn't much humor and other than the inclusion of some pretty women like Samantha Scott (as "Daughter Brown"), Dianne Stanley ("Lucy Brown") and Bonnie Sinclair ("Mrs. Duckworth") there really wasn't anything here remotely of interest. In short, as stated earlier, this was a pretty bad film and I have rated it accordingly.