I must admit that when homosexuality becomes part of the theme in a film I tend to get uncomfortable and prefer to watch something else. However this was not the case with this film from Catalunya: it held my interest from the beginning to the (predictable) end. Adapted from his own Catalan novel, Benet i Jornet has managed to maintain an almost theatre-like script and screenplay, except for the fact that there are many and frequent changes of scenario. The interweaving of the main characters is well accomplished, wonderful interpretations by both Josep María Pou and Mario Gas, as well as good work by David Selvas in the difficult rôle of a gay hustler, in all cases somewhat overshadowing the truly universal Rosa María Sardá. What she does is well done, but the architecture of the film does not allow her to portray what she is worth. Ventura Pons did not have to work too hard to make this film a success, given the performances of his actors.
Definitely for adult audiences who are mature enough to understand the complications of delicate friendships with an aging and terminally sick homosexual as the centre point of conflicting aims, hopes, desires.. Try to see it in Catalan if you can: I had to see this one in the dubbed Spanish version on the national RTVE. I go along with the IMDb vote of 8 from 53 votes.