It is very difficult to find a program that the entire family can watch together on a Saturday night. This is more important now, than ever, with the Coronavirus keeping us closer to home making us unable to go to the theater like we all used to so we can watch a movie. Television really needs to step up with more family-oriented programs. We recently subscribed to Hallmark Movies Now. and I came across "Legacy." It' hard to go wrong with any Hallmark movie or TV series. This was made around 1998-1999. It's a good show, but there are only 18 episodes with no closure. It was discontinued right in the middle of everything. I realize that much time has passed, but you would think someone could come up with a few final episodes that bring it all up to date and then provide closure. This is a good family show and it had a lot of potential of going a lot longer. One word of advise if you do plan to provide final episodes, aside from the theme song, please find music more suitable to the times and environment that what the show currently provides. It just does not work. Thanks so much.