Cameraman Jane Waters does a crummy job of directing this "unauthorized biography" of actress Traci Lords, phony from start to finish.
Some famous actors who should have known better portray stereotypes of Adult Cinema figures, giving zero insight into the business. The soap opera story line is flat, and using her first "legit" (of age) project "Traci Takes Tokyo" as a hook is merely misleading.
So we have Jerry Butler doing a poor job as her agent, with his character's actions making no sense at all. NY greats Ron Jeremy and Sharon Mitchell as producer and distributor are uninteresting, with Ron insisting on throwing in his unfunny stand-up shtick at will. John Stagliano has a NonSex role as a Jim South type, again unrelated to reality.
Ending is terrible, as Traci is blissfully self-centered, the entire show giving her something of a bad rap. Viewed at a distance of three decades from when it was made and the scandal erupted, Jacqueline Lorians in the title role merely reminds me of how arousing Jacqueline Lorians is (and was) rather than suggesting Traci Lords at all.
Low-rent production has several scenes set in a limousine that are incompetently staged, with no illusion of being anywhere but on a studio set.