This series is most succinctly summarized in a recent TV program menu description: "Contemporary problems are resolved using a Christian solution." Those not old enough to remember this program, replayed on Sunday mornings in my neck of the woods in the 1960's-1970's, will find some very interesting appearances among the episodes currently being played in syndication. The new host for the series, Pastor Matthew Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, says it best:
"Starting in the late 1950's, Lutheran Hour Ministries aired a television program called "This Is The Life", in an effort to bring Christ to the nations. It was a critically acclaimed show that used story and drama to convey eternal truths . . . And it featured actors who were just getting started in their careers. Recently, Lutheran Hour Ministries, in partnership with Main Street Living, remastered and brought to HD-quality about 50 of these programs. You may notice some young actors who become very famous, and even though the props and styles are of the 1960's and '70's, the subject matter's still very relevant."
What the good Pastor does not mention is the fact that many of the character actors who appeared in this series already had long resumés, faces that were familiar both then and now. Some were already famous for acting in TV series from the era, shows like "The Andy Griffith Show", "Lost In Space" and "My Three Sons". Perhaps not surprisingly, some of these actors are barely recognizeable, a testimony to their talent and flexibility for different roles. Therein lies the strength of this series. However, it was not only the acting, but also the professional quality of the production and direction that I personally always found mesmerizing.
These days, there is also the same entertainment value one might find in watching any old films. As I said in one of my episode reviews, "most of the series is now 50+ years old, and often hysterically dated." But younger film and trivia buffs may get a kick out of this show, and those who paid attention when they were young will definitely experience some nostalgia.