Macross Plus is a sequel to the original movie Macross. It is not a sequel to Macross II. I found the original Macross to be unwatchable, partly for its cloying storyline and partly for its grating sexism. Macross Plus is so far removed from these tacky origins as to be a completely new and stand-alone movie.
There are two versions available for this anime-- the series and the movie. The series ends up approximately an hour and a half longer than the movie, but the editors did a wonderful job cutting, so the movie doesn't feel incomplete. In fact, they moved scenes around to create the complete story and even added a few scenes to change the focus.
The story and characters are more solid than many another film, and the animation is breathtaking-- in fact, my friends now use the term "Macross Sky" to denote any particularly vivid and beautiful sky. Moreover, the music is beyond amazing and ranges from symphonic/classical to atonal chant.
Computer animation is used in this film, and is completely distinct from the hand-drawn animation, but it is used entirely with computer-related scenes (a computer-generated concert and an interface with a plane) and the effect is wholly unified.
Try your best to see a version in Japanese with subtitles as the English music has less power than the original. DVDs are particularly good as you can see the varied versions and compare for yourself.
This is the movie I point to to say to American animators, "It is possible to do a fully adult, beautifully animated movie. Animation is not just for kids. Learn." Someday, maybe, they will.