With this his debut in the big screen Chiquito-San (like he likes to be called by his fellow citizens as showed in many interviews with reporters such as Peticano Gramore and Notedi Gotrigo), blow us away with a performance never seen before in Spanish cinematography. Or anywhere else. In Barbate, perhaps.
Set in a very realistic Wild West full of Hombre Malo de la Pradera, we will be amazed with its delightful special effects, from the well known Spanish artist Grijano Candenauer. Pay particular attention to the thrilling run for their lives when the buffaloes attack, it couldn't be more realistic. This scene also delivers one of the most exquisite sentences ever spoken in Cervantes' language (translated here): -"Senior Conde, don't let them smell your fear". -"That's going to be difficult Lucas, I did caquitaaarl!". What a mastery of the languaje, Cervantes himself would be proud and amused at such intelligent and high use of his Castellano.
It's a pity that people from other countries cannot fully enjoy this movie without a completely and deep knowledge of the Spanish vocabulary and grammar, especially from the jargon known as "Chiquitistani de los Dolores", for it is necessary to have the highest wisdom of all its idiomatic features and tricks to be able to fully comprehend the incredible experience that Chiquito de la Calzada Gromenauer treats his fans with.
Like he would say himself: "E candemore nain, quietorl, cobarde!".