Critters 4 was a complete disaster. It takes place immediately after the third one and this time they invade space about 50 years in the future. A space ship unknowingly brings the critters on board not knowing the danger of the little monsters. I'm not really sure of the plot, or why the space ship is roaming around space. I;m not even sure if Earth exists in this fourth Critters. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention, but I don't think much of what is going on is ever explained in the film. About 50 minutes in, we see three critters. For a Critters movie, that is a major disappointment. The other three films were actually funny and had some good "scares" and special effects. The scares in the Critters movies were never bone chilling, but they were fun scares. This fourth one skips all that and is about 90 minutes of nothing.
There are no comical moments in this at all. The Critters' personalities from the first three are all but gone. And they kind of make Ug a bad guy. If you watched the first two, you would know he would never try to hurt Charlie. They completely ruined that character which is also disappointing. The whole movie just didn't feel like a Critters sequel. That's the problem when they take horror films and put them in space.
Putting a horror franchise in space to create a sci-fi vibe almost never works, especially for a comedy horror series. You have to spend so much unnecessary time explaining about how the ship works, what the mission is, all sorts of technical and downright boring information. It's Critters for Pete's sake! Have the fur balls roll around a hotel for all I care, just don't put them in space. Well they did, and the movie wasn't very good.
Disappointing last entry to a pretty good series overall. The appearances of the Critters were far and few between and the story of part 4 was a complete mess.