Before getting into this movie, I have to confess something: I have only seen a few minutes of one episode of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show in my life, and the few minutes that I saw didn't involve the Boris and Natasha characters. So I can't say how closely this live action movie captures the spirit of the animated show. But I can say that I was bored for the most part by this movie. The biggest problem with the movie is that it's not very funny. Oh, there were a few moments that made me smile a little, but for the most part the humor is lame and unimaginative. The script certainly suffers for not being funny, but there are other problems with it. There isn't much of a plot here, for one thing, leading to a lot of padding. Another problem is that the screenplay doesn't flesh out its lead characters very well - when the two are given their mission and start out on it, we hardly have been given any character development at all. This may explain why actors Dave Thomas and Sally Kellerman seem to be phoning in their performances. In fact, all of the cast seem to be treating this acting job in a half- hearted manner. The icing on the cake is the often cheapjack feeling to the enterprise - it obviously didn't have a substantial budget. It's no wonder the movie was shelved for four years before being released straight to video and cable TV.