This movie acts as though it is a true story. However, the only truth about it is that there were some US Army nurses captured and imprisoned by the Japanese in the Philapines; and that these women were not given the recognition or the medals that they deserved.
The true story is a fascinating, adventure filled, tale of heroism and triumph over adversity. It has elements of discrimination in the awards given (or not) because the protagonists are women. The true story is one of bravery, valour, patriotism, adversity and sacrifice. While these elements can be found in the film, they are ascribed to utterly fictitious events and people.
It is therefore a huge shame that the writers could not be bothered to research the truth and instead make up characters and events which are presumably based on their own prejudicial ideas of what women would face in a Japanese POW camp. If you want to learn something of the actual truth, a search on "The Angels of Bataan" or "The Battling Belles of Bataan" will give you a good start.
Once you get past the the fact that this film is doing history a grave dis-service, the film is enjoyable enough. The women remain beautiful and made-up despite the deprivation, The acting is excellent and keeps the viewer interested. The story is well timed. As a pure piece of entertainment, it does the job.