Hong Kong supernatural horror film directed by Chih-Hung Kuei (Hex after Hex, Curse of Evil, Corpse Mania, Devil Fetus). The movie stars Fei Ai, Melvin Wong and Fanny Fen-Ni. A prequel to Boxers Omen, BEWITCHED is a full throttle as Hex Trilogy. The plot revolves around a detective in charge of hearing a statement and investigates the death of a girl, only to find out that the perpetrator is her father who was cursed by a Shaman. The action shifts to a battle between good and evil that includes worms, possessions, surreal spells between monks which works as a whole package for lovers of the genre. In other words, Bewitched is an explosion reel in its purest form, which when it comes to this genre means lots of crazy antics. If it were made today Bewitched would be mentioned alongside French extremity delights, such is the nature of its content, but it was made in 1980, when special effects were cheap, production quality was low and it was a little too early to sit alongside other HK horror movies. It's a dirty and grotesque film with lot to offer for those craving for twisted sense of humour it is one of those bizarre cult films you really should see. Among all the horror and witchcraft films made by the Shaw Brothers, BEWITCHED (1981) stands out. '80's horror at its finest and purest form! It's weird, disgusting but yet also strangely amusing. Make your choice