Talk about misleading advertising! From the UK video box cover and stills and indeed the title of this, one would logically assume that this is some sort of James Bond style action yarn. In truth, nothing could be further from reality!
In fact this is an absolutely risible story of lost love, sex, gambling addiction, a monkey called Crap Shot(!) and some stolen diamonds!
To call this a confused mess would be complimentary! John Wyman (who played the seemingly indestructible Erich Kriegler in the James bond outing, For Your Eyes Only) headlines in this as a decidedly miserable and thoroughly unlikable sod called Cliff who devotes most of his time between alternatively guzzling whiskey and bedding women who he treats like sh- well, not very well to put it mildly (in one scene he even attempts to rape a woman!) The film also features Hawk The Slayer himself, John Terry, although sadly there's no sign of his Spirit sword in this (if only it would have flown into his hand so that he could have sliced up the rest of the cast!)
As it is, this is a monumentally awful, nonsensical and frankly interminable production that is incredibly difficult to sit through in its entirety. In fact I can say only two good things about this film: One is the beautiful scenery on display which is truly breathtaking and two is a completely retarded but amusing scene in which our 'hero' goes completely berserk in a bar after he receives a letter from a woman who has just left him (clever girl!)
Dreadful film, plain and simple.