This film begins with a wild "mountain man" (played by Tomisaburo Wakayama) ambushing a small group of people on an isolated path in the wilderness. He immediately kills everyone in the group except for a "beautiful woman" (played by Shima Iwashita) who he immediately falls in love with and declares to her that she is now his wife. Realizing her situation she acquiesces but at the same time demands that he carry her on his back to prove just how manly he is. Naturally, being so wild and unsophisticated he does exactly as she orders and proceeds to carry her to his cabin in the woods. When they get there she is surprised to see several other women come out to greet him and after being told that they are his former wives she orders him to kill all but one. Once again, he does exactly what he is told. From that point on he subsequently obeys her every demand regardless of how sadistic it might be-and she is extremely wicked. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather bizarre film which had a great amount of black humor along with beautiful camera work. That said, however, I thought the characters were rather one-dimensional and the story lacked the necessary suspense for a film of this type. Likewise, the special effects were rather simplistic as well. Even so, in spite of these flaws I still found the movie to be somewhat enjoyable and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.