I haven't seen the original Percy, but the cast that consists of the likes of Denholm Elliot, Vincent Price(my main reason as I am a big fan and completist of his) and Barry Humphries promised much. Sadly, the cast that looked so great on paper are largely wasted in this awful movie, an all-time low for all involved. The biggest problem was the script, which had no fun or wit whatsoever. You'd be hard pressed to find any jokes, and when there are any glimpses of anything resembling one it was the kind that is better flushed down the toilet. The story is thinly structured and so poorly focused that it is very difficult to find anything interesting or easy to comprehend, while the characters have no likability or any sense of development, the direction from Ralph Thomas lacks life and has the feel that he didn't know what he was doing, the soundtrack feels misplaced and too much and it even looks amateurish. Leigh Lawson, in an attempt to give him greater exposure, is also rather bland in the lead role.
Overall, the cast were promising but are (grossly) poorly utilised in a frankly infantile waste of time. 1/10 Bethany Cox