I used to watch "Search" all the time. It was as other viewers have said, part Spy, part sci-fi, part drama, and of course, a very watchable show. The Probe headquarters was so advanced, that they could use one of the Probe agent's ring for a camera, recorder, Geiger counter around radiation, and a reviver, if one of the agents was knocked out, on thrown overboard into the Sea(like one of the episodes.) What some viewers have failed to mention, is that Probe agents had a dental implant too, so they could click their teeth and send a signal if they were in trouble, and could not talk. The ear implant was ingenious, and could not be detected by the enemy. However; one episode where a Probe agent was captured by terrorists(or mad scientists)the enemy became aware of the implant and used it to send their signals into it, to cause pain, obedience, and to basically control the agent like a robot. However; Probe found the agent's location, and blocked the signals of the enemy, and even talked to the enemy, warning them, to release their prisoner, of Probe would bombard them with an electronic attack. Is the cool or what? Shows written today don't have this kind of writing, like Search. The Actors were well seasoned, and played their roles very well. Search was best when Probe control room was black with red lights shining down. Burgess Merridith played his part very well as the Head of Probe, and the Agents, Lockwood(Hugh O'Brian), Nic Bianco(Anthony Franciosa)(My favorite agent.) I loved it when Nic would say to the Probe headquarters; "We did it your way first; now we are doing it Nic Bianco's way." Search at times, was along the lines of Star Trek characters too. You could see them going through all the switching, and powering up for each Agent they sent out. Search ran from 1972-1973, but it spawned other shows that came later; like "LeFemme Nikita", movies like "Johnny Neumonic", and of course "24". Search was a pleasant alternative to the other shows available in 1972, on a WED night. Re-runs of the show would be welcome. Some of the episodes would appear very 70s, but in it's time, Search was with the times, if not ahead of the times.