In 1966, the soap opera Dark Shadows debuted with a most unusual villain and heartthrob - Jonathan Frid as Barnabus Collins the vampire, freed from his coffin prison of almost two hundred years by Willy Loomis, the Collins handyman in search of the fabled Collins jewels. This is also how he is introduced in the film.
I watched the television show in reruns when it appeared on afternoon TV in 1976. Frid is a most unconventionally attractive man, but he has class and style, and he is most magnetic. Frid introduces himself to the Collins clan as Barnabus, a distant cousin who has been living in England. He takes up residence in "the old house" - the Collins family home as it existed when Barnabus was "alive" - and fixes it up to restore it to its former glory. This allows Barnabus to have his vampire existence without prying eyes. Here as in the TV show, the main line of the plot is that Barnabus becomes attracted to Maggie, a servant to the Collins family, because she is a body double to Josette, the girl he was to have married until his vampire existence and Josette's death got in the way.
This is mainly going to be of interest to people who remember the TV show or who have spent time watching the TV show in the years since it went off the air, because it is there all of the character development is put in place. The original cast, though, does a terrific job of recreating the atmosphere and the magic in the short feature film time frame that they have. There are a couple of odd casting decisions though. Onr of those is Dennis Patrick playing the sheriff here. In the TV show the same actor played Jason McGuire, a shady character and a very hissable villain who blackmailed Elizabeth Collins.
Standouts are John Karlen as Willy Loomis - he is a great modern Renfield without the appetite for insects - and Thayer David as Professor Stokes. He really does remind me of classic Hollywood actor Sydney Greenstreet. Too bad he died so young. But of course, the centerpiece is Jonathan Frid as Barnabus. I believe him when he erupts into uncontrollable anger and violence and I believe him when he is a romantic, marveling at how beautiful the trees look glistening in the sunlight. How is a vampire able to be outside in the daytime? Watch and find out.