I thought LUCKY ME from Warner Bros in 1954 was not the first Cinemascope musical as some comment says.. possibly the 1953 FOX musical ? HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE. Fox patented Cinemascope and hired the process to other studios. The first WBs musical was A STAR IS BORN. But I might be wrong... anyone?
On my Australian market DVD this really silly Doris Day musical has opening credits in cinemascope and the rest of he film in ..horror of horrors! pan and scan TV presentation. On the box it says hooray for Cinemascope but the film itself is not in Cinemascope if anyone from WB DVD office bothers to check. The color and art design is terrific, the musical numbers well staged (as I could tell, as I only saw half of the image), the 50s style and modernity snazzy and Doris Day was beautiful. Its trite script is embarrassing ... a bit like any of the Columbia musicals with Jack Lemmon or Betty Grable of the same year. I was keen to enjoy but the badly presented cropping, down to TV from cinemascope ruined the experience... so I took the DVD back to the store, complained to the bemused 19 year old goth chick behind the counter and got a refund. She seemed to spark to life when I pretended to be interested in a box set of BUFFY Vampire Slayer, but I tricked her and took the money instead.