Billed as a romantic drama, this film starts out as a very touching, "Romeo and Juliet" style love story, with the star-crossed lovers coming from opposing sides of the Iron Curtain. It then builds up into a suspenseful, cold war thriller, finishing with a thrilling chase across England through railway stations, boatyards, and small towns, with Metropolitan Police, MI 5, CIA, and KGB agents in hot pursuit of the runaway lovers.
As other reviewers have noted, the ending seems to be quite open ended, leaving a lot to the cinema audience's imagination.
However, David Kossoff gives a strong political speech towards the end of the film when reading aloud his daughter's farewell letter, with social comments about the futility of the enmity between East and West, saying that it will one day be the downfall of both sides.
The uncredited performances read like a Who's Who of the British Cinema with actors such as: Robin Bailey, Dora Bryan, Joan Sims, Betty Marsden, the ubiquitous Sam Kydd - and am I the only one who noticed Raymond Francis in a similar role to what he played in No Hiding Place as Chief Inspector Lockhart?